you know that a smaller percentage of Americans are working today than
when the last recession supposedly ended? But you won't hear about this
on the mainstream news. Instead, the mainstream media obsesses over
the highly politicized and highly manipulated "
unemployment rate". The media is buzzing about how "163,000 new jobs" were added in July but the unemployment rate went up to "
8.254%". Sadly, those numbers are quite misleading. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in June
142,415,000 people had
jobs in the United States. In July, that number declined to
That means that 195,000 fewer Americans were working in July than in
June. But somehow that works out to "163,000 new jobs" in July. I am
not exactly sure how they get that math to add up. Perhaps someone out
there can explain it to me. Personally, I find that the "employment
rate" gives a much clearer picture of what is actually going on in the
economy. The employment to population ratio is a measure of the
percentage of working age Americans that actually have jobs. When it
goes up that is good. When it goes down, that is bad. In July, the
employment to population ratio dropped
from 58.6 percent to 58.4 percent. Overall, the percentage of working age Americans that have jobs has now been under 59 percent
for 35 months in a row.