Limbaugh's 'The Great Destroyer' Most Comprehensive Takedown of Obamaism Yet Written
Ben Shapiro
I spent this last week vacationing with my wife in Paris. Between visits to historic sites like the Louvre and Versailles, my wife and I noticed something very odd: nobody seemed to be working. The sidewalk cafes were chock full of people sitting around in the middle of the day, watching the world pass them by. It seemed wonderfully relaxing.
Then we entered the Metro – the Parisian subway system. And there we saw the downside of the lax life of the Parisian coffee set. Dozens of beggars roamed the subways, passing out notes asking for a few Euros. Many brought their young children to beg.
This didn’t wash. What happened to France? Just why was this country – a supposed socialist paradise praised by those on the left as the ultimate example of a redistributionist society gone right – so unequal? Why was poverty so evident? Hadn’t the wealth been spread around enough?
I found the answers to my questions in David Limbaugh’s devastating new tome, The Great Destroyer, which together with his last book, Crimes Against Liberty, forms an encyclopedia of Obamaism – the philosophy of anti-American redistributionism that characterizes this administration. Obama wants us to become France. It doesn’t matter that France is hardly paradise. It aspires to paradise. And it’s the thought that counts.
In The Great Destroyer, Limbaugh details the recent history of the most devastating presidency of the last century. And he details, in particular, how President Obama has had to demonize his opposition in order to achieve his agenda. “[F]rom the beginning he has been one of the most partisan and divisive presidents in our history. Because his extremist liberal agenda has been unpopular with the electorate, he has demonized his opponents as a means of diverting attention from the substance of the legislation or policy in question and making it a contest about personalities,” writes Limbaugh.
Not only that – the Obama administration works routinely with groups outside government to achieve its ends, essentially bargaining from both sides of the table. This is a tactic familiar to state governments, which
Most dangerously, Obama appears to despise the Constitutional system itself, as Limbaugh reports. Its checks and balances are simply weigh too heavily on his greatness. If he could only cast off the shackles of the Constitutional order, he’d be able to govern Americans as they need to be governed. “I have an obligation as president to do what I can without [Congress],” Obama told 60 Minutes. And so he has. As Limbaugh writes, “Obama implements his power-grabs through administrative usurpations of legislative power, executive overreaches, and unconstitutional legislation, assisted by the many radical, unaccountable czars he has appointed.”
The Great Destroyer is the most comprehensive case against President Obama ever presented. And it’s done meticulously, thoroughly, completely rationally. It is not hyperbolic; no hyperbole is necessary to describe the utter disaster that has been the Obama administration. It is not hysterical – no hysterics are needed to lay out, in full color, just what Obama has done to the very notion of Americanism. The Great Destroyer is a calm, undeniable, point-by-point takedown of a president who can’t wait for us to become France –
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