People continue to get killed in Afghanistan purely for the political reputation of politicians in Washington
by John Glaser
Gunmen in Afghan uniforms shot and killed three US special operations forces in southern Afghanistan, marking the 28th killed by so-called green-on-blue attacks this year.
The failure of the US mission in Afghanistan – to build up and train a centralized state and security apparatus – is illustrated clearly in the constant killing of US soldiers by their Afghan counterparts. Much of the security force has been infiltrated by the Taliban or Pakistani agents.
The fractured nature of the armed population in the country is likely to translate to civil war once the US occupation is drawn down. “Mark my words, the moment the Americans leave, the civil war will begin,” one Afghan told Dexter Filkins in a recent New Yorker piece. “This country will be divided into twenty-five or thirty fiefdoms, each with its own government.”
The U.S. has begun to recognize that the war is a total failure and the
David Rothkopf, CEO and editor at large of Foreign Policy magazine, has written that
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