Friday, August 10, 2012

Actress Alonso: Obama's Second Term a 'Step Toward' Venezuela

Venezuelan actress Maria Conchita Alonso is best known for her work in '80s films like "Moscow on the Hudson" and "The Running Man."

Today, she's a fierce critic of current Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, and she isn't too happy about the similarities she sees between Chavez's government and a potential second term for Barack Obama.

STEVE MALZBERG: ....Again, Hollywood, your industry embraces Obama, has fundraisers in their homes for Obama, yet Obama wants to punish people who are successful. Don’t’ the people in Hollywood understand that Obama will go after them and is going after them? MARIA CONCHITA ALONSO: I guess not, but you know what? They will understand when it touches them. Sadly that's what happens. A lot of people voted for Chavez I believe in the first term – which that’s the only one I believe that he won for real – and, and because he lied. And then, like more than half of the people that voted for him started realizing because then they started being, you know, punished like. They took away their jobs, you know, because they became like, they, they closed down stores, they closed down super markets....
MALZBERG: Maria, do you believe if Obama wins again we could wind up like Venezuela in any way?
ALONSO: Well, I think that would be a step forward that, moving forward there.

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