Thursday, August 9, 2012

NYTimes Food Reporter Rejoices at Chick-Fil-A VP's Heart Attack, Apologizes

NYTimes Food Reporter Rejoices at Chick-Fil-A VP's Heart Attack, Apologizes

Mark Bittman, a New York Times food critic, admits he used an "inappropriate phrase" in an August 3 blog posting about Chick-Fil-A. In fact, it was down right Bitter, man, because he seemed to be rejoicing that a vice president of the fast food company had died of a heart attack back in July.

Bittman apologized to his readers for the giddiness he displayed about the death of Chick-Fil-A's Vice President of Public Relations, Don Perry, who passed away on July 27.
Said the bitter foodie,
In a recent blog post, I used an inappropriate phrase to refer to the late VP of PR for Chick-fil-A. My choice of words did not rise to either my own standards or to The Times’s, and the phrase has been removed from the post. I regret this lapse.
What he said on August 3 deserved to be excised, too. It was pretty vile. Here is what was removed from the post:
Speaking of pigs, the VP of PR for Chick-fil-A dropped dead of a heart attack the week after the chain's latest homophobia/anti-gay marriage scandal. Here's an obit, and here's more about him. Meanwhile, Chick-fil-A had record-breaking profits after its President, Dan Cathy, drew a line in the sand over same-sex marriage.
Note that nearly every anti-Chick-Fil-A whiner out there has based his anti-ness on Chick-Fil-A's "hate," all the while wallowing in just as much hate as they claim to abhor. Meanwhile, no one can really find anything that either Dan Cathy or any of the causes and organizations that he supports have said or done that actually called for any hate to be visited upon anyone.

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